Friday, September 30
Saturday, October 1
Free Weekend Seminar in Wichita Falls, Texas!
"Introduction to Norberg Pianos"
By now, you have likely heard or read about the brand new, awesome piano line known as Norberg. If you went to Anaheim this year, you hopefully had an opportunity to play the flagship 9' grand in the exhibit hall. Here is an EXCLUSIVE opportunity to see and try two more models first-hand. Not only that, but you will be introduced to them personally by the men who have built this company from decades of passion for piano care and design. Todd Scott, CEO and Barry Bradshaw (resume HUGE) will be here to introduce these fine instruments.
You will get a first look at setting them up from their factory condition to refine regulation and voicing. Featured at this seminar will be a beautiful TS-110 Mahogany vertical and a gorgeous TS-152 Mahogany grand. Todd and Barry will be our energetic guides while they discuss topics to include regulation, voicing, action ratios and so much more! There will be a ton of knowledge to gain, not just about Norberg, but also wisdom applicable to all pianos.
You are invited to be a guest at my (very) humble shop in Wichita Falls. Come for both days, or choose from either Friday or Saturday. Each day will start at 9am and run until 5pm with a break for lunch.
Space will be somewhat limited, especially on Friday. Please RSVP using the button above.
*Friday and/or Saturday, September 30 and/or October 1
*9am to 5pm (breaks for lunch)
**Continental Breakfast and luncheds provided on both days by
Shane Ohlson Piano Service
Shane Ohlson Piano Service and Sales
1509 Beverly Drive
Wichita Falls, TX 76309